Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hope you like my video. Sorry i suck at video blogging. I'm getting better. Or I will...hopefully :) the video kinda cut off on its own right after i said "yeah" so it kinda works out. ok need to get ready for dinner now!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks

YAY <3>so the real reason I decided to blog was I found this:

tell me that's not the funniest/most bizarre invention you've ever seen. It's called a Peekaru. Like Pikachu haha it's from "gifts we don't want"

k bye

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Since I haven't updated in forever I thought I might treat you guys with a nice set of bulletpoints to sum up what I've been up to:

-It's starting to get really cold, and every time I get dressed I get deceived by the sunlight and think its really warm when it's actually freezing.
-I like reading the Bible on my bed. I don't fall asleep surprisingly--it's the power of God ;) funny thing though is that it's always significantly warmer on my bed because im on the top bunk :) yay for not waking up feeling cold.
-i've been losing stuff/misplacing items that I really want/need: my stamps (sorry i haven't been writing to you all), my UO armwarmers, earrings (did i even bring them??), and all my favorite mechanical pencils (man i'm seriously down to all these crappy wooden pencils)
Yeah so I want to try to be more organized because it really bothers me sometimes when start losing stuff (sorry if you're reading this and thinking WOW this girl really needs to open her eyes and realize that it's not that big of a deal)
-I really want some UC Berkeley sweatpants. They're pretty cute.
-I'm going to SF this Monday to do a presentation on Hepatitis B, and my group member is driving us there. The problem is I'm afraid I'm going to die because she has never driven on the freeway before. And we need to get there at 7:45 am!!! I REALLY hope i wake up in time :O
-I want to go home soooo bad. I'm terribly homesick and I have been for like 3 months :(
-I have really weird dreams, and especially vivid ones that I can actually remember when I nap during the day (like between the hours of 9 am and 5pm)
-It turns out (according to my roommates) that I sleep talk. I really hope I don't say anything too embarassing.
-I learned how to crochet last night!! It's so much fun, but mannn it takes a heckaa lotta patience!! haha wow i can't believe how fun it is to say hecka.
-I really need to diet. I'm probably almost at the freshman 15. Why is food so good??
-The Bach Magnifcat is so good. yet so miserably difficult to sing :( I'm excited for the concert though. Holiday concerts are so happy, and I get to think about how joyous Christmas time is.
-I'm running out of things to say, and I'm getting sleepy because i'm typing this on my bed. and it's 10:38 and I don't have hw! WHOOO

I'll try to update with a video soon. Not right now because I'm too gross looking and my eyes will look like slits. haha.
I can't wait until wed when I can hop on an airplaneee and fly straight into the arms of my mommy and daddy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First Video Post

So i realized very few people read this blog at all so i decided to post a video that is freaking embarassing but it's cool because only cool people even bother to view this page ;) yes you, Grace

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is what I do in the library...

I'm sitting here at a computer in the music library at Cal, and instead of reading my 18 pages of Anthro I'm going to talk about HOW MUCH I MISS HS CHOIR!
Agh okay so yesterday in rehearsal i kept messing up and then half raising my hand and then getting even more frustrated and self-conscious. And then today during sectional, everything was really good (such a big mature sound), but everyone kept giggling and being awkward about "singing out of your eyes" and "keeping the buzz in your face". Everytime I wanted to put my hands up I just felt like a dork. Oh and some people sing with the worst posture! hands in pockets, hands crossed over the body, fig-leafing (haha)--this one bass sang for almost the entire rehearsal with his backpack on! and then Prof. Kuzma very nicely chided him haha the music is really good stuff, and I feel good after rehearsals (unless I'm super hungry, tired, and cold, which has happened a few times) haha actually that part is no different from high school. Hrm...don't know whether i want to minor in music...that might be fun no? i definitely have room in my schedule...unless i start working a lot poo -___- i don't want to get a job. Ok this is a sufficient rant for the day. I don't know why it's so much fun to blog, but I fear this is going to be a problem esp. because facebook already is a major time-sucker.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The toilet

So today I was going to Tolman for RPP which is where I go to basically be a lab rat for psychological research when I really had to pee. So I walked in and started up the stairs but I really could not hold it so i stopped at the second floor and seriously power-walked in a circle past all these really creepy-looking rooms until I finally found a bathroom. So I dart towards the back stall and this is what I find on the walls:

What i really like about this stall is that there isn't the run-of-the-mill tagging like "ILY" or "F**K" and stuff it's actually really funny to read.
There is so much of this crazy hilarious dialogue, most of which makes no sense at all but it reminded me of the movie "Charlie Bartlett" :) yeah I'm definitely going here again. Is that weird that I now have a new favorite toilet on campus?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My thoughts on Gracepoint Church

whoo I love college. I love all the things that God is revealing to me while I'm here and meeting new people and experiencing fun new things. Sorry that is super vague, but it's not the focus of this post so maybe I'll touch upon those experiences another time.

I definitely like the setup and message of this church. The people seem very passionate about God. I liked Pastor Ed Kang's sermon about your life being like a Christmas tree that you try hard to adorn and make pretty, but in the end the fact remains that you are dead, cut off from the source of life, the tree stump. I also like that the appeal to reason and geekiness was very much present in the skit and the message. They understand that their audience consists of hard-working individuals, who mainly, if not on Christ, depend on themselves to earn success (grades, recognition, etc). Ed says, "We are not just a bag of chemicals--a collision of atoms." We have hearts and souls, which God sees and cares about deeply. It's really important that the message talked about death. We are college students, with the hope that we are at the pinnacle of success, fun, and happiness. I think this delusion advertised by the media is completely false because true joy and contentment is only from God. That fun you have at a frat party one weekend is not going to last. Death is a reality, and to fail to think about our mortality is the biggest mistake. We live in the shadow of death, but we never want to think about it. We never want to think that at any moment we could be gone, our physical life taken away in an instant. To live is Christ because without Him I do not have life. I may have a body, and I may be able to breathe, but that can and will be gone at any time. What people need to hear is that one decision in this life can change your soul for all eternity. Personally I don't think accepting Christ is the hard part; it's living for Christ that gets people. I often notice that I get swayed by how I should live my life, but then when I really stop to think about it, I realize that I'm trying to be like everyone else, where it's safe. I hope this year here at Cal I can dare to be different for the sake of Christ because as a believer my goal isn't to fit in but to live above the world's ever-descending standards.

I really like writing this stuff. I think i will try to do this more often :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


no words to describe least right now

6.15.2009 crazy heavenly stuff

Monday, June 8, 2009

Time is Moving Too Fast

Today was pretty blissful. I went home, ate, and watched tv. Yay for simplistic sentences. That's exactly how I feel right now. I want to make this last week simple and devoid of all stress and worry.
I need to start realizing that what I want shouldn't matter, and it's what God wants that does.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Unfamiliar sights and sounds of Testing Week

ok so i feel all out of sorts right now because today was just so not an ordinary monday. I woke up around 8:30 (!!) and moped around for half an hour until my mom said we could go to the doctor for this gross ugly stinkin cough ive had for almost a week. So in the next 3 hours i went to two different doctor's offices and sat in two different depressing waiting rooms just to get some antiobiotics and some contrived small talk. Then we rushed out of there and shipped me off to school only to realize that i would be there for 25 now i feel like im behind because i missed class (yes i know how paranoid i sound) and im not feeling up to doing anything today (like reading money makes the world go round like im supposed to)

ive been thinking...
"High school is such a sham..." (a brilliant quote by mandy) Resonating in my brain. So profoundly true. It's so hard to grasp that my high school days are dwindling and all i can think about is "what am i going to wear to prom? who am i going to get ready with and go to dinner with and go home with?" these things are so stupid and trivial yet they come up. This year (specifically second semester) and all these hollywood-glamourized notions of senior year and prom is just not happening the way i hoped it would and instead of going with the flow of things I am sitting here complaining about it and overthinking this entire situation. But honestly...
(wait new thought)
Since when did I have to conciously work at keeping relationships? Why is it so hard for me to let go of people? Is it that abnormal for me to care when i lose touch with people? or when you don't understand why people are suddenly not your friends anymore even though you see them everyday?
"High school is such a sham..." Why does my independence translate as "nobody wants me"? Since im too tired to thoroughly finish ranting im going to end with this: I'm making a declaration to embrace randomness and let the upcoming events spontanteously erupt into what's hopefully something that I can remember as "fun". Why? because i give up and analyzing everything is exhausting (as much as i love it).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I am so tired right now. My head has been hurting since the FRQ section of the AP Stat test today. I feel like I need to stick up for what I want. So many people are so worried about the things they need to take care of in life that they forget to take care of themselves. I pray that God reveals the truth and puts the pieces together so I don't need to keep feeling confused.

Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm coping with post-tour depression. Also i think the jetlag and the overall lack of energy is clashing with my desire to be on the internet and look up things on google/news. It's bad. I feel like i need to catch up on the world and step back into reality, but Irvine is boring and looming AP hw/tests are not going to be fun :))

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boston Roomies powpow

I'm Jennifer. I'm in Boston on a tour choir, and it has been so fantastic and lovely I can't even put into words how much I love our set and SIX right now. So I have decided to create this blog and sporadically post stuff on it because I think I would benefit from putting my thoughts into written words more often. Ok so I'm tired and hungry and now signing off bye!