Tuesday, April 10, 2012

So fail

wow this time of year is so crazy with all this school piling up and crashing down and a church event or some event every weekend til may! exciting! everything seems to snowball and just tumble down and then at that moment in mid may i just sit back and say "wow that's all over now it was crazy!!" or "whoa all of that really happened??!" again and again God is faithful :) I think that's what I've been really looking forward to lately. that God would grow me in trusting Him in various ways because everything in the next three months to december is just so uncertain with school, job, my geographic location, etc.

So i guess the Pioneer Woman thing didn't go as well as planned (see previous posts if you have no idea what I'm talking about) but today i did cook!! I made dumplings and potstickers...i would post a picture but i forgot because me and my dinner guests were just so happy and hungry that we devoured it in an instant :) Happy hearts and tummies! I'm learning to just cherish these impromptu dinners and times of fun-filled fellowship around food