Thursday, November 3, 2011

Crunched for time

This weeks fitness tip: when you're reading a book (or reader, Bible, newspaper, ipad, whatever) stand up. Then keep standing and do a standing leg crunch (pull you right leg and knee up and then lower and then do the same to the left side). ab workout while you read!

next tip: yup one more because i'm just oozing today and because I've had these to share for a while. "The Flamingo". While you're doing any task almost that doesn't require a lot of movement, incorporate a single leg stand. This should help you be aware of your posture and strengthen your core (because tight abs are always good)
happy multitasking! and don't stress if you don't see results right away. I shall leave you with this verse:
"Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day." 2 Cor 4:16

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just Dance

I need to rave about Cardio Dance at the rsf at 5:45 on Sunday nights. so much FUN. really good way to get a solid hour of cardio in and have tons of fun just moving and de-stressing and working your brain really hard (well i felt like i was working really hard to get all the steps and not bump into people lol)
moves like jagger :)
What are your fun ways to get a good cardio workout?