Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm coping with post-tour depression. Also i think the jetlag and the overall lack of energy is clashing with my desire to be on the internet and look up things on google/news. It's bad. I feel like i need to catch up on the world and step back into reality, but Irvine is boring and looming AP hw/tests are not going to be fun :))

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Boston Roomies powpow

I'm Jennifer. I'm in Boston on a tour choir, and it has been so fantastic and lovely I can't even put into words how much I love our set and SIX right now. So I have decided to create this blog and sporadically post stuff on it because I think I would benefit from putting my thoughts into written words more often. Ok so I'm tired and hungry and now signing off bye!